Current members |
Marcus Pearce Lab leader. Email | Google Scholar | GitHub | OSF | ORCiD |
Rémi de Fleurian Doctoral student: Expectation and chills in music. Email | Google Scholar | GitHub | OSF |
Adam Garrow Doctoral Student: Computational Modelling of Expectancy-Based Perception of Timbral Structures |
Edward Hall Doctoral Student: Probabilistic modelling of thematic development and structural coherence in music. Email | GitHub | OSF |
Madeline Hamilton Doctoral Student: Improving AI-generated Music with Pleasure Models. |
Farida Yusuf Doctoral student: Neural computing for auditory object analysis. Email | GitHub | OSF |
Thomas Kaplan Doctoral Student: Probabilistic modelling of rhythm perception and production. Email | Google Scholar | GitHub | OSF |
Amira Korkor Doctoral Student: The cognitive neuroscience of creative innovation: using EEG, brain stimulation and computational modelling to understand creativity in music |
Chris Winnard Doctoral Student: Decoding Musical Attention and Emotions with EarEEG Email | GitHub |
Associated members |
Emmanouil Benetos Reader in Machine Listening, Queen Mary University of London. |
Ana Clemente Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt. Projects: Musical and Visual Aesthetic Sensitivity and Active Inference Email | ORCiD | Google Scholar | GitHub | OSF |
Roger Dean Professor, MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour & Development, Western Sydney University. |
Andrea Halpern Professor of Psychology, Bucknell University. |
Peter Harrison University Assistant Professor, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge. Former PhD student in the Music Cognition Lab. |
Former members |
Courtney Reed Doctoral Student: Physiological sensing of the singing voice and musical imagery usage in vocalists. |
David Baker Former Visiting Doctoral Student |
Changhong Wang Doctoral Student: Computational analysis of expressive patterns in Chinese bamboo flute. |
Bastiaan van der Weij Doctoral Student: Probabilistic modelling of musical metre perception. |
Adrien Ycart Doctoral Student: Music Language Models for Audio Analysis. |
Ioanna Zioga Post-doctoral Research Assistant: Bridging the gap between learning and creativity using electroencephalography and brain stimulation. |
Miriam Tenderini Doctoral Student: Emotional priming effects between language and music. |
Jiajie Dai Doctoral student: Modelling Intonation and Interaction in Vocal Ensembles. |
Sarah Sauvé Doctoral Student: Prediction in Polyphony: Modelling Auditory Scene Analysis. |
Yvonne Blokland Post-doctoral Research Assistant: Modelling musical preference decisions. |
Rodrigo Schramm Academic visitor: Automatic transcription of multiple singers |
Sam Duffy Post-doctoral Research Assistant: game-based development of rhythm performance skills. |
Niels Chr. Hansen Doctoral Student: Musical expertise, uncertainty and statistical learning. |
Kat Agres Post-doctoral Research Assistant: memory, expectation and preference in music perception. |
Yading Song Doctoral Student: modelling musical emotion. |
Léna Delval Research assistant: modelling musical preference decisions. |
David Sears Research Visitor: Simulating Melodic and Harmonic Expectations for Tonal Cadences Using Probabilistic Models. |
Jordan Bennett Louis Smith Doctoral Student: perception of musical structure. |
Kathryn Emerson Research Assistant: memory, expectation and preference in music perception. |
Jeremy Gow Research Fellow: Information-theoretic modelling of music. |
Sonia Wilkie Doctoral Student: Auditory-visual looming. |
Chunyang Song Doctoral Student: modelling the perception of syncopation in music. |
Asterios Zacharakis Doctoral Student: timbre perception. |
Claire Meissner-Bernard Masters Student: Influence of cultural exposure on musical expectations. |
Michael Terrell Doctoral Student: loudness perception. |
Andrew Simpson Doctoral Student: loudness perception. |
JP Tauscher Visiting researcher: predicting emotional experience of music using neural and physiological responses. |
Marco Bussi Visiting researcher: auditory scene analysis. |
July 2022: Alejandra Carriero, Eliana Valdez (Birkbeck University in London), Amira Korkor,
Edward Hall, Tom Kaplan, Marcus Pearce.
December 2021: Amira Korkor, Tom Kaplan, Madeline Hamilton, Katie Rose Sanfilippo (City, University of London), Peter Harrison (University of Cambridge), Edward Hall, Marcus Pearce.
March 2018: Emmanouil Benetos, Stine Sørensen (visitor), Peter Harrison, Manuel Anglada-Tort, Adrien Ycart, Jiajie Dai, Changhong Wang, Ioanna Zioga, Marcus Pearce.
December 2017: Jiajie Dai, Adrien Ycart, Changhong Wang, Edward Hall, Emmanouil Benetos, Rémi de Fleurian.
June 2015: Léna Delval, Sam Duffy, Yvonne Blokland, Yading Song, Sarah Sauvé, Marcus Pearce, Marco Bussi, JP Tauscher, Miriam Tenderini.